Thank you for your interest in UNBOUND deliverance ministry. The Lord may be calling you to be a prayer team member as an intercessor, leader, or both. He may be asking you to start a House of Mercy in your parish or community in order to serve those seeking prayer in your area.
Joining a team involves training and experiencing freedom yourself by receiving prayer. Training involves serving in prayer sessions, DVD/CD/live teaching, workbook activities, reading, and teaming/personal prayer.
To help establish UNBOUND ministers and teams, Heart of the Father has developed numerous training materials (with more in the works). There are workbooks, DVD and CD audio teachings, and soon, online training opportunities. We use the materials in a process to help you grow as a prayer minister and ensure that those receiving prayer know what to expect.
Houses of Mercy (and regional partners) run training sessions periodically throughout the year. Please see the Events page for upcoming training events or email for more information.
New Team Members
Please have a letter from a spiritual authority in your life speaking to your readiness to serve in this capacity.
We encourage you to receive UNBOUND prayer
Attend a Freedom in Christ conference OR watch a conference on DVD OR listen to a conference on audio
Complete Basic Ministry Training using the DVD series or CD audio with the accompanying workbook
Houses of Mercy and UnboundNH own a copy of the DVD series.
You are responsible to purchase the workbook.
Intercede on a ministry team
[Join existing team] Contact to join Houses of Mercy.
[Start a new team] Contact to get help you get started. Also see Heart of the Father for guidance on starting a new ministry team.
Advanced Members
Proceed through New Team Member training outlined above
Complete Advanced Ministry Training using the DVD series or CD audio with the accompanying workbook
Read UNBOUND Ministry Guidebook: Helping Others Find Freedom in Christ
Continue to pray with a ministry team and work with a mentor, interceding at and/or leading prayer sessions as the Lord calls.
Additional Training and Resources
Talk 7 of UNBOUND Basic Ministry Training provides a detailed teaching on how to be an intercessor during and UNBOUND ministry session.
Ministry teams and Leaders
Start a House of Mercy
Contact to start a House of Mercy at your parish or community.