Words from those who have experienced the love of the Father.
The Lord is moving powerfully in our lives--just read below! Please consider blessing us by submitting your testimony at the bottom of this page so we can share it, too. Let the Lord's work be known for His glory and to help build one another's faith in the process!
Thank you!
Miscellaneous Testimonies
A sister in Christ received "freedom from [a] negative mindset of struggling alone."
From a brother in Christ suffering from the aftereffects of COVID-19, "the crackling noise in my head disappeared."
One woman had her eyes healed, and another back pain healed. Another woman gave herself to Christ then had her jaw healed. At least three were set free of spiritual bondage and experienced inner healing. Many were filled with the love, grace, comfort, peace, joy, and mercy of the Lord.
--Fruits of St. Florence Lenten Mission
Encounter Healing Testimonies

Michael's healing of deafness in the ear.
When I was attended the healing practicum on March 13th, I was in Room #13. I asked for healing prayer for two things and God did indeed heal me for one of them. I had an overactive bladder and I am now healed. From the time I was prayed over until now I have been tracking the healing and I know it is true and I have my life back. I am free to take as long a walk as I want (it varies depending on the weather, my plans for the day etc. so I never mind if I walk three, four, five or even six miles at a time) and visit with people along the way and not worry about needing a bathroom break. I am sleeping through the night ( it might be 7, 8 or even 9 hours) and wake up totally refreshed. I no longer worry about where is the closest bathroom.
On Fire: Identity Testimonies
I want to thank you and your team for coming and doing this On Fire Conference/Mission--it was remarkable frankly! We are still having folks talk about it and saying how we need more of this because they feel changed somehow. Praise be to Jesus!!!. Many felt the love of God like they never had before. The ministry of the Word pierced the hearts and transformed minds so people could see beyond the vail that had been covering their eyes. People we know seemed to have a new awakening within them, even those who have been walking for some time in the Spirit. The Worship and worship set up was perfect! Joe and Erin were anointed leaders bringing us into the Holy of Holies, and speaking of that…going around with the monstrance and speaking our declaration right to Jesus, well, tears are welling up as I am writing this! That was such a powerful time within the whole mission. WOW! That seemed to solidify the teaching on declarations and had a powerful effect on everyone. Also the teaching on intimacy with the Father and hearing his voice, and the activation with the journaling...From the feedback, this seemed to free a lot of folks to have a new expectation of a real relationship with the Father! Again, Wow!
Yes I want more! My experience With On Fire Ministry at All Saints was awesome. I learned so much more than I expected to and was truly humbled as I was prayed over at the end of the night on Saturday. The music was so inspiring and peaceful. The mission has opened up my mind and spirit to past experiences I've had, especially recalling dreams and other supernatural experiences, and I feel a new courage to step out and share in a new way about the awesome presence of Our God . This is my second time attending a workshop with Deacon Cooley and On Fire ministry and it just gets better! The presence of The Holy Spirit was very moving, and I only wish and pray for more people to come and get all you can from this special team of on fire Catholics. Truly inspiring and many thanks for coming to All Saints Haverhill!
I can't thank you and your team enough for the On Fire workshop at All Saints. It far exceeded my expectations. I loved every minute of it. The speakers and music were awesome and anointed with the Holy Spirit. I felt like I was given concrete tools for everyday life to improve my identity with the Father and to get more in touch with the Holy Spirit. As the renunciations and the binding of spirits were done, I could feel weights being taken off. The prayer for the baptism in the Holy Spirit at the end touched me greatly. The fellowship was especially up-lifting. Also, a huge plus for me was that I did not have to travel. I hope and pray we have more of the same at All Saints church. I have done both Unbound and the Encounter Summer Intensive. It seemed like the workshop was giving the best of both. I feel like we were given a taste of heaven and I feel very blessed by the entire workshop with my words failing to describe the experience...
God Bless you for your hard work and ministry to share the Lord's love to a broken and hungry world. May the Holy Spirit pour out even more anointing to you and your team.
At the On Fire identity conference, a prayer helper prayed for me and she said I was receiving an impartation of the gift of interpretation of tongues. I had kind of forgotten about it until today when I was praying some intercessory prayer and I was praying in tongues and I received the interpretation and began to speak it out in English and the interpretation was essentially Revelation 5:12, except I was saying, "Holy is the lamb who was slain, to receive..." And then lots of "holy, holy, holy, holy, holy...."
I was participating in the On Fire: Identity Workshop last weekend. For several months I have had a painful shoulder that at times limited my range of motion. During the Saturday session I noticed that the shoulder pain noticeably diminished but did not think much about it. Since then, my pain is gone and the range of motion is completely restored. Praise the Lord, and thank you Jesus.
The On Fire workshop was a whirlwind of blessings. The weekend surpassed all my hopes and expectations. I have been so blessed by the people I was privileged to meet, the profound experiences in prayer and adoration, and even receiving extraordinary healing! On Fire was truly an experience of Heaven kissing earth. The words and affirmations I received during prayer are some that I will cling to tightly for years to come. During the Grand Finale on Saturday night, I not only met Jesus on a deeper level, but He also healed me from scoliosis after years of suffering from related chronic pain! After returning home and reporting to my mom, she was able to see a visible difference in my spine, which lead to some emotional and relational healing within my family as well. I am still a bit flabbergasted. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit I received over the weekend has given me new strength and confidence in my relationship with God and in ministry.
There was even an incident a few days after the workshop where a stranger approached a friend and me at a busy coffee shop asking us for advice. Not knowing what else to do to help, I asked if we could pray for him. Right after I offered, he seemed a bit surprised and asked if I was a pastor. Without taking a moment to think, the words seemed to pour out of my mouth… ""I’m just a daughter of the God who loves us."" I will never forget that moment. I struggled to contain my laughter because if he had met me even a few days beforehand, I would not have had the courage to pray with him out loud, let alone in broad daylight on Main Street! Glory to God!! I think we all walked away from that experience with newfound hope and a strengthening of faith.
Thank you for providing the time and safe space for the Lord to rekindle the fire of his love within us! I am so grateful for the gift that this workshop was. The subsequent graces seem to be unending! I wholeheartedly recommend attending a future conference. It is so so worth it. The proof is in the pudding. :)
"Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, to him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, for ever and ever. Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21).
--Sister in Christ
I limped into ON FIRE and walked out with a completely healed ankle that had previously bothered me for 40+ years.
--Jude C.
On Fire was a profound experience. This retreat helped to deepen my relationship with the Holy Spirit. I never realized how much access we have to the powers of heaven while here on earth. I learned how I can tap more into my spiritual senses, discern the voice of God, and become more like Jesus. During prayer time, I experienced the physical presence of the Holy Spirit lighting a fire within me. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend this retreat.
Praise the Lord!! The Father downloaded my identity as a beloved daughter into my heart and soul. I experienced His love and mercy flooding into the core of my being.
With God's authority and power, I can thwart the wiles of the evil one (1Peter 7-9). The presentation on the power of the tongue greatly impacted me. It reminded me to use my words thoughtfully and lovingly. Thank you so much for this workshop. It has truly changed my perspective to a heavenly one!
--Judith Marie Ryan
What a powerful workshop. I so love the work being done. We need an explosion of the Holy Spirit, Not only here in New England, the US.. but totally globally... All the Nations.. no holding back.
--Sister in Christ
ON Fire Identity Workshop was a powerful workshop. The kind of workshop where the word of God and the encounter of the Holy Spirit will stay with you long after the workshop is over. At one point during the Grand Finale, when Jesus was passing by, I had tears running down my face. At the end of the Grand Finale I was drunk in the Spirit! The Holy Spirit definitely showed up! An experience that empowers my expectant faith. Very grateful for the workshop. Thank You. On Fire.
On Fire--Susan
Aside from an amazing infilling of the Holy Spirit, I learned that my prayer partner of nearly 15 years, is friendly with my estranged mother. She and I grew up in the same place in NY and her parents were close with my parents. The fruit of this has not yet been made clear but all agree God is up to something. There are no coincidences.
UNBOUND Freedom in Christ Testimonies
I received so much blessing from the prayers I was able to forgive people that I hadn’t for so long.
--Sister in Christ
I was seeking inner healing after a traumatic death of a friend years prior. While I experienced nothing sensational during prayer the effects have been undeniable. I have experienced such freedom in so many unexpected ways. I had lifelong nightmares, which worsened after my friend's death. The night after Unbound Prayer I fell asleep thinking of my friend, which usually would trigger a recurring nightmare, but I had a pleasant dream about my dear friend and I. Even though this was not something which we specifically prayed for during the session, I have not had a nightmare since.
--Mary Beth
I loved my prayer team! The leader of the session included visuals with his words which I found very helpful. At the end of the Father's Blessing, I felt something I have never experienced before. I first felt love which turned into joy, peace, goodness and an overall sense of well being. It was like I was experiencing heaven on earth. I had no cares or concerns. I felt free and enjoyed experiencing all the wonderful feelings! Thank you so very much!
I can’t tell you enough how powerful and transformative [the Unbound session] was. It was the prayer session I have been waiting for and the one that drew me in hope to Unbound. How great and merciful is our God. Praise His Holy name.
--A sister in Christ
I felt stuck in certain areas of my life, where my reactions didn't make sense, yet I was unable to change. I kept falling into the same traps.
Through the Unbound model, I was led to an abundance of Love and freedom. These seemingly unrelated behaviors all stemmed from some hurt I experienced as a child. I was helped to see the pattern, and reject the lie, the bond. Once that was gone, I experienced unexpected beauty. In my heart I was able to forgive, bless, and thank those who, unknowingly, hurt me as a child. There is new freedom and peace in me, a greater understanding of Jesus' love and transformative power.
I carried a hurt that was given to me unsolicited a while back. I thought I understood how that hurt shaped me, but it wasn’t until we prayed through the [Five Keys] that I realized I needed liberation. As we went through the steps of prayer, I found that I was still carrying burdens from my past, including things my family members said that unconsciously influenced how I saw myself. This experience opened my eyes to the need for healing I have, it was incredibly freeing to be able to name and renounce certain hurts I brought in my heart unconsciously. Our Lord says truth will set us free, and He means it :) We have to bring the truth to light in order to have Him work on our hearts.
--A sister in Christ
A few days out, I definitely feel a change. The few times I would attempt to think about something I renounced (usually out of habit rather than an intentional choice), I heard a voice in my head and heart say “wait Eric, you don’t need that anymore…” The days also seem a bit brighter and all my activities just feel 20% more engaging, energized, focused, and intentional (and that level of engagement continues to grow).
--Eric, a seminarian in religious vows
For the first time ever, I feel truly solidified in my relationship with God the Father-- and … it's just in time for Father's Day!!
--Sister in Christ
In a prison setting, one man came to the Unbound Conference because he saw two other men “glowing” after they received prayer and he decided that he needed to attend and be open to whatever was taking place.
--Brother in Christ
One man shared that the Lord set him free of something deep he didn’t even know he was carrying.
--Brother in Christ
One man testified that he was walking on a cloud. He didn’t know if he would make sense sharing or if he had words to capture the intensity and enormity of the goodness that he was experiencing.
-- Brother in Christ
One man of later middle age testified that things he had carried his whole life were lifted off.
-- Brother in Christ
One man who appreciated the teachings as biblical and authoritative, nodded along and was generally pleased until the prayer when he renounced the lie that he could always be in control of every situation. He had not ever thought about the implications of believing this lie or its role in his incarceration. He truly felt liberated to act with more emotion, authenticity, and freedom.
-- Brother in Christ
I feel less restricted overall and freer. Also my COPD disappeared that day, and lastly, I have considerably more physical energy. So happy I attended [the Unbound Freedom in Christ Conference] and happier overall.
Many thanks to you and your prayer teams for their generous gift of time and skill. I have a sense of peace leaving today that I haven’t had for some time and truly value that! He is the God of our redemption but your teams turn promise into reality. Blessings!
I am so profoundly grateful that my husband, my son & I could all attend. Thanks so much to all who make the Unbound conference possible! The teachings, the music and the testimonies were really inspiring and so hope-filled. The prayer teams were so welcoming. It all helped me become more aware of what I need to work on so I could join in the prayer sessions ready to release past hurts. I had learned of the Unbound book a few years ago and read it on my own, but attending the Unbound conference helped me make so much more progress than I ever could have made on my own!
I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for your amazing unbound ministry in Boston. I want to especially thank your team member for her amazing healing ministry!
Initially after my deliverance prayers I had a tough time, but I got to the other side. Now I am living a profoundly free spiritual life!
God bless you and your team! You have made all the difference in my life!
My husband and I have really been struggling for years in our marriage for various reasons. We have been through some really hard stuff . . . things that would end most marriages immediately, and almost ended ours several times. I decided to attend the Unbound conference because I desperately needed healing from all the hurt that had been caused. I was honestly feeling like we were at the point of separation and potential divorce. My husband asked if he could attend the conference with me. This was, in itself, miraculous, so I told him he could. On the way to the conference, sadly, we fought like never before. I told him I couldn't do it anymore - that I felt we needed to separate. It was devastating because this was not at all where I wanted us to end up, but 14 years of deep hurt left me not knowing what else to do. I went into Saturday simply seeking personal healing but never expecting healing for our marriage. God had much bigger plans! My husband soaked up every ounce of the conference and took every opportunity for prayer. He later shared how incredible it was to have a prayer team member moved by the Spirit call out things that needed to be renounced that he'd never shared with anyone! It was like she could read his heart! I had an equally incredible experience. So many things were called out that day - things were forgiven and renounced that I didn't even know were on my heart and in my soul. We left more committed to healing our marriage than ever before. We know there is more healing to be done, but we are both open to it and willing to do the work. We also now both have a toolbox we've never had before in order to help each other. I believe for the rest of our lives, this conference will be the linchpin we point to that saved our marriage! We are both looking forward to our individual prayer session!
--Sister in Christ
I just wanted to thank you again for the gift of [the Unbound prayer session] today. I arrived home exhausted. I felt like I haven't slept in decades. I think the anxiety from all the years of torment left me today. I felt peaceful and in need of resting with the Lord. I feel fresh and rested now and ready for where the Lord is going to take me next. I can't thank you enough!
--Brother in Christ
I came last Saturday to Unbound and it was powerful but I didn’t process it completely. When I came back for prayer, it was so amazing; I finally feel the freedom that Christ wants me to enjoy. I was scared to come to prayer and didn’t believe that these people I was going to pray with would understand me, but they showed God's love to me and I know I am free from all the lies the enemy has been feeding me. What I want to do now is be able to help set others free through this program.
I wish I had had this experience soooo many years ago.
--A wife and mother
I forgave my dead father today.
--A man's testimony during an Unbound Freedom in Christ Conference
This was the best day of my life.
--A 10 year old boy's testimony to the Unbound Freedom in Christ Conference
We've prayed for twelve years for this.
--A couple's testimony to the Unbound Freedom in Christ Conference
This was my first experience with the Unbound prayer model, and I found it very effective! The Holy Spirit led the team to help me renounce spirits and lies I was not aware I believed. I felt whole afterwards, something I had not experienced since I was very little, and much lighter, both physically and spiritually. I highly recommend Unbound to anyone looking to taste more of the Lord's freedom in their lives!
[The session] was incredibly powerful and, for the first time in a long time, I could laugh with genuine pleasure with my family tonight and have a conversation with a friend without growing distracted by fear and anxiety. The feeling of being under attack has abated and I can breathe.
--Sister in Christ
What a surpassingly wonderful experience it was to meet with the Unbound prayer team at St. Patrick's on Saturday! It has been the high point of Lent...of this year...maybe this decade!
I felt entirely safe, they were so respectful. They were flowing with the Holy Spirit and even were hearing the Words of God for me, and not only that, but some of His emotions toward me--sorrow, joy, intense love. I have been missing a father's affirmation it seems all my life of 76 years, but it came through so strongly! It was apparently important for me to have a male leading, one who was not afraid to give a shoulder hug at the right time. Many renunciations and some forgiving were done, any evil sent away, and such an inrush of blessings! This Kingdom advances through such as your team!
Most gratefully...and kindly extend my deep gratitude to the team, whose names, unfortunately I do not remember but I will always remember THEM and their willingness to serve God on behalf of us wanting to become unbound.
I give glory to God for his infinite love and mercy that has allowed me to break the chains of a painful past. His gesture of love for me came through my participation in the Unbound Freedom retreat and was consolidated in the prayer journey to recognize and renounce all those ties. The tears that I cried cleared the space to receive the blessings! Many thanks to the House of Mercy prayer team for saying YES to the Lord's call and going around the world helping Jesus heal old and deep wounds in humanity.
I went for unbound prayer at All Saints. I felt very blessed to have Rosa again as prayer leader and to have Frank as intercessor. Rosa was on the mark with what the Holy Spirit revealed about my life. I was especialy touched by the Father's Blessing. I had told them that I had been praying for my "Forever Home" after experiencing years in horrible apartment situations. Rosa had a vision of me in a little white house and of me planting flowers. Frank saw me on a porch with clean air and in a rocking chair. I shared with them, that is exactly what I had been praying for and every time I walk I say to the Lord to give me a little house like the one I walk past. This gave me great hope for the future because I had been losing hope. Also, I felt touched because I love flowers and rocking chairs and I need clean air due to chemical sensitivity.
I have been through unbound 4 times and each time I feel another layer of oppressions being removed. I thank the team at Houses of Mercy for your dedication and time to the Lord's suffering children who are waiting to be set free from bondages of many kinds.
The Unbound team is amazing. I have been carrying around baggage of my past for years. After the Unbound conference I felt a sure sense of deliverance from past hurts and experiences. I had a heavy heart going into the conference, but left with joy and peace. It taught me that I don't have to have my experiences identify me. I am a child of God, and from here on out will be with God in my heart. The decisions I make in my life will be God centered. With God within me and walking by my side, I have purpose in my life to do God's will in my life. Thank you and the team. God Bless you all with Peace, Love, Joy, and Good Health.
I attended Unbound on Saturday...and I was prayed over by team members 3 times that day . I had been through deliverance prayer...at St. Patricks in Pelham N.H. on the advice of a Catholic councilor who also led me through a Theophostic prayer session 2 years ago. The Unbound conference day was very life affirming for me and my personal experience there truly showed me the power of God and that I do have gifts and talents that I've been praying about a very long time. Always asking God to show me and guide me in what it is that He is calling me to do in life. I experienced much confirmation both that day and on the following Saturday zoom meeting with the team.
My Unbound experience showed me solidly that I am and have been on the right track in dealing and healing with the memories of my past. I felt extraordinary peace the afternoon of the conference and was really excited to hear that God has many gifts in store. I've always been singled out my whole life as "different and not fitting in with everyone ". I've always been aware of this but now am understanding God has a plan for me like no one else. All the supernatural experiences in my life that I knew were real and have talked to Priests about for advice are having more meaning for me especially those times when I knew no one could possibly believe what I was saying. Seeing , feeling, knowing things that are not of this world are hard for most to understand , yet I felt very understood and supported, a new sense of freedom and am now praying for the courage to step out in faith for the salvation of many souls. At the end of my zoom meeting as the team were praying over me I felt a new experience I'd never had before. My hands were turned up to receive prayer and as they prayed I felt cool wind coming from my hands. There was no moving air in the room . God is about to do great and unheard of things in the world and I am so grateful for all I received through Unbound Ministry.
I know that memories are the footprint of the past...Now I can push my plow and receive my mantle for the devil has no power over me and I decree and declare freedom from negativity and self doubt. Thanks be to God who is so good to me ! I love this freedom to fly! I am currently reading chapter 8 and I'm filled with gratitude and the ability to love myself freely and be who God made me to be. I feel physically emotionally and spiritually stronger in God who has a plan for me. I have a place in life and I love that my God made me different for His reason and Purpose. Many Thanks and much Gratitude for all you do in Christ.
The night after attending the Unbound conference I decided I would try to reconcile with my brother whom I hadn’t spoken to in over ten years. I first texted him and asked if he wanted to talk. I was expecting a “no” but instead got a “sure”. I was flabbergasted. After the initial greetings were exchanged my brother asked, “ Who is this?” He had no idea that it was I, his estranged sister, who had texted him. If he had known his answer quite possibly would have been “no”. We spoke for quite a while and in that time I was able to tell him I was sorry for the hurt I had caused him, that the turmoil we and our other two siblings experienced growing up in our alcoholic home were not our fault and that I loved him. Upon hanging up I cried tears of gratitude. I know the reconciliation with my brother would not have happened without Jesus’ saving grace. Amen and Alleluia!
I wanted to follow up with you regarding the Unbound prayer session and thank you for arranging it. I also want to testify and give glory to God. During the session, I felt the Holy Spirit ministering to my soul and healing it as the leader and I prayed together. The Holy Spirit brought up several issues that I did not realize were issues (lies needing to be renounced, areas needing loving correction, etc). I renounced several fears during the session also. The fruit of this was felt right away with greater inner peace. Last week, I let my son go on a long bike outing in the city with a friend for the first time and I had no fear about it. In the past, I could not let him go out on his own, though he is now 14, let alone be gone for 6 hours with a friend biking all over the city! I was completely at peace about it. Praise God! He was so excited, he met his friend again the next day and they biked some more. My need to "control" things due to fear is gone! The blessings and words from Holy Spirit at the end were special, too. Most confirmed things previously spoken to me or encouraging words I needed to hear for specific issues and situations I'm dealing with. I pray this ministry continues and that others will have the courage to try it.
--Sister in Christ
I just want to express my thanks to the prayer leader and team for ministering to me. The outcome, you say in your materials, is for one to experience the love of God. That, I did. I have been following Jesus for a while and seeking Him for healing of my soul... it seems that there is always more to do!
Both of my parents were good people, just busy people. Neither one of them, as I recall, invested in me personally, affirming my femininity. I felt like "one of the herd" ( I have seven brothers, no sisters) The part of my heart that was touched during this time was when we talked about my Father. I have no memories of him affirming me as a person, let alone my femininity. After those things were revealed as I went through the keys, I experienced major freedom when the affirmations of my identity followed. The team shared how precious I was to my heavenly Father, how he loved me and I was His princess. Even now, writing this my heart wells up with tears of gratitude. I never heard those words from my father. The Lord is continuing to heal this part of my soul.
--Sister in Christ
I attended the conference in May, and that was the 1st blessing. It calmed me down and brought me hope for the prayer meeting. During the meeting last Saturday I had a profound experience of the Father's love in my life. I could share all the bitter experiences that happened in my life, and the team led me to forgive completely. The peace and joy overflowed in me. Anytime I closed my eyes to pray I could see father God holding my hand, and I walked with him as a small child. That cherishes me, calms me, and gives me such hope and courage to face my life. Thank you for this experience, and I will keep the Unbound team in my prayer.
I am still quite overwhelmed by the mercy I received during my Unbound prayer session. I was a bit anxious beforehand and wasn't sure what to expect. The ladies that prayed with and for me were so kind, gentle, and patient as deep and suppressed wounds bubbled up to the surface. This prayer time was one of the first experiences that I was able to truly recognize the conviction of the Holy Spirit rather than my previous patterns of self-criticism and shame. There was so much light and compassion felt through each issue that arose. There truly is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. He is so gentle with us. Thank you for helping me to witness for myself that God really does reveal in order to heal us... and that He desires our healing and wholeness more than we do! Recognizing and renouncing all of the lies I had believed for so long has been a tremendous blessing. (I pray I continue to practice this!) As we continued through the keys, I felt myself sitting up taller and more confidently as we progressed, even confessing at one point that I felt sassy (which was not in line with my usual, melancholic demeanor). I could feel my cheeks get blush and my heartbeat grow stronger, feeling the warmth of the Lord surrounding me. There were even a few instances in which the Spirit had lead both the leader and myself to vocalize things almost simultaneously. It was incredibly humbling and beautiful to sense being so known and secure in the tender hands of God. By the time we reached the Father's Blessing, I remember feeling physically lighter and stating that I felt as though I could breathe again... I guess you could say the 20 or so years worth of pain and burdens had been lifted off my shoulders by the One who has the strength to carry them. There has even been some healing in my family relationships already. Alleluia! Thank you so much for this ministry, your time and prayers, and the tools shared through Unbound. If you're questioning whether or not to sign up for a session, please give it a shot. You have nothing to lose except a heavy yoke! God bless you!
Deepest thanks to the team for my Unbound prayer session. I had been filled with anxiety every morning for quite a long time which is gone completely now. Also, I learned much and one realization I want to share is that I can't try to save myself...Jesus did that and I am to accept His grace fully, be thankful, and stop trying to make up for my sins. It is life changing. At the end, one of the intercessors shared what Jesus was communicating to her. I know Jesus was talking to me. He said how much He loved me and to not be afraid- and other things that I will hold in my heart forever. It was real, unforgettable and beautiful.
The following testimony was shared as an email to the circle of friends that provided Judith prayer support during the afternoon of her Unbound session.
Dear friends,
Last Saturday you prayed for my experiences and healing as I went through the Unbound ministry later that afternoon. Your prayer support was essential in allowing me to be vulnerable in detailing the strongholds that needed demolishing in my life.
Growing up, my dad was distant and I did not receive the love I needed. I had put my feelings "under the rug" for a long time. I finally needed to bring it "out in the open". When I forgave my dad, I was finally free. I encountered Jesus in a deeper way than I ever had. I experienced Jesus give me a "big hug".
I was awakened at 4 am Sunday taunted by Satan. He mocked me, saying that my experience was not real, and was just in my imagination. For the first time I was able to face Satan's influence and say "no more"! I felt calm after that and fell back asleep.
Later Sunday morning, Jesus revealed to me an area I still needed to surrender to Him, i.e., not leaving my job last June on my own terms. I had to forgive my employer and also myself. And with Holy Spirit's help I did. I now have a greater freedom in Christ than I've ever experienced. Unbound was the instrument God used to release me from bondage. I only wish I had done it earlier!!!
--Judith Marie Ryan
Thanks so much for the wonderful prayer session. I learned so much and found understanding. I am meditating on what was said. It was truly an inspiring gift to me.
Regarding an UNBOUND Freedom in Christ Conference...
Thank you very much to everyone who organized and participated in this very inspirational, thought-provoking program. It already helped me better understand why I still feel somewhat stuck and unable to experience the full Mercy of God's Love, despite forgiving many people.
The speakers and participants who gave testimonials inspired me to reach out and try to further explore the many ways we can remain bound and try to renounce them.
--Sister in Christ, Boston Area
I just wanted to give a sign of gratitude to all of you for having put your time and loving engagement at service for my need. May the Lord pay you all back according to the measure He used to give and more. Once again, I am truly amazed in seeing how the Holy Spirit has worked in this prayer session. I cannot mention all the graces received throughout the whole session and also from all the other words and blessings of the Father, but in sum I felt on this occasion a lot of encouragement, love and warmth. As the last time, after the last session and during this past week, as a consequence of the outcomes I have been very receptive to the movements and other inputs of the Holy Spirit through daily events. I wanted these lines to be, more than a sharing of details, just a kind of testimony and encouragement for you all to stay still and keep the ground in what you are doing for Jesus in His living body. Because there is so much need and few workers for the vineyard...Thank you again to all of you and God bless you abundantly.
--Sister in Christ, Boston Area
The following testimony gives witness to the power of deliverance ministry through UNBOUND. Unlike the others on this page, Rosa's prayer session did not occur through Houses of Mercy. However, the witness is powerful and may you be blessed receiving it!
The following testimony relates to a prayer session held by a team outside of Houses of Mercy, but it is a powerful testament of the Lord's work, and Deborah has graciously allowed us to share it here.
I am my local church sacristan, a catechist, Eucharistic minister, lector, weekly receive sacrament of reconciliation, and liturgical music minister.
Recently an Unbound prayer team led me through the life changing prayer sequence that you/Holy Scripture teaches. Jesus has set me free! And, I did not think I was in dire need of help. I only knew the Holy Spirit was prompting me to ask. I must write out my testimony for you. It continues to bear fruit and bring healing for all my family and anyone who comes my way.
Peace Be With You and prayers of Gratitude for your most excellent work with all of us.
The prayer session with my team was exceptionally insightful and fruitful. I can't wait to start praising for the results. The team could not have been a better pick for my prayer champions. Thank you.
It was a great lifting. Jesus set me free. I was the captive HE set free. Jesus is the healer of my soul. Jesus is the friend I am looking for.
Praise God! I attended Unbound prayer recently and felt the wonderful peace of God. The team was two wonderful ladies who led me in Unbound prayer and interceded throughout. Thank you so much for helping me with prayer.
I am very thankful to God for cleansing me and blessing me again to lead a new good life without letting me believe the lies that I had to hear. While praying the Father's blessing at the end of Unbound prayer I felt peace and the blessings of God in me. I especially heard God saying in my heart, "You are valued". I was stuck somewhere before by underestimating myself and at some point felt low like I had no meaning. But God reminded me saying, "I am valued". This was the wonderful thing I heard from God at the Unbound prayer session. I am so thankful to God and it's wonderful to live with peace and newness in life.
I felt the presence of love, joy, and peace hugging me. As the team prayed I felt like someone was spinning me around in my chair for awhile. I felt cords were being unwrapped from around me, all the lies that bound me. At the end when the leader prayed the Fourth Key, I felt pressure and gentle moving in my face and head.
I just want to express my gratitude to the wonderful prayer team that prayed with me today. What an awesome experience!!!
May God reward and bless all of you for volunteering your time to work in His vineyard. Remain blessed and thanks again.
Amen, Amen, I say to you, the whisper of the wind which lifted 46 years of warfare away was not what I expected last night. I wanted to share this video with you and the angels whom were praying over me, and from the bottom of my heart and my soul I wanted to say thank you. May God's Blessings flow on you all and Jesus' Peace reign forever.
--Brother in Christ, Boston Area
Thanks a million for arranging the prayer service for me yesterday. The leader and the team were absolutely lovely. The man who led the team was very intuitive and articulate. They were all so patient, generous, and compassionate. I feel that I benefited greatly and am so grateful to you all. I had the best night's sleep in months! I have rarely slept through the night since my diagnosis. I am much more at peace. May God bless all of you!
--Sister in Christ, Boston Area
I just wanted to thank you again for the beautiful Unbound prayer session last evening.
I found it to be so peaceful. I do feel like a heavy weight was lifted from me.
And I also wanted to thank the intercessors for praying for/with me.
--Sister in Christ, Boston Area
Mere words cannot thank you & your team adequately for helping me access God’s grace and unlock the door to freedom. During the Blessing I felt a surge of power go through my body. Definitely a sign from the Lord.
I know I have to be vigilant & fight off evil before it takes root.
Afterwards I went directly from the T to the Seaport to view beautiful fireworks on the harbor with a friend from the Our Lady of Good Voyage Shrine. It was almost like the fireworks were in celebration of my freedom! So beautiful with the Sagres as a backdrop and it's connection to Our Lady of Good Voyage.
Fr Matt, who introduced me to Unbound and encouraged & guided me to meet with you & a prayer team, told me "the team would be gracious, kind, loving, compassionate, sensitive & not there to judge but to walk with me to set me free." 100% true. With the love of God & Jesus Christ I do love myself and am no longer on the edge of taking my own life. The 5 Keys are very powerful.
Thank you for your helpful "hints" to ward off temptations, lies & old patterns which I am vulnerable to. I am strong & surrounded by love.
I pray my testimony will help others find love, peace and freedom.
--Sister in Christ, Boston
I wanted to get back to you about yesterday as I needed some time to take in what happened. I wanted to say that I believe yesterday helped greatly.
First I can say I felt an incredible sense of love in my heart at the end of the session, something I am not sure I have ever felt before. It was a warmest sense of peace that felt like it was actually coming from my heart.
When I left the church I was having trouble concentrating as I felt something extremely powerful had just happened. I started out of the church and pulled over about a mile down the road and parked for about 20 minutes to reflect for a bit and just felt an overwhelming sense of peace.
Today in church was the first time in months I took the Eucharist without having issue with it as I had told you on the phone. And I have a sense now that I am forgiven and can move forward.
I still had a few bad thoughts throughout the day, but much less than before and they seemed to struggle to manifest, so I’m not sure what to make of that just yet. Thank you for caring about myself and others that you take the time to help.
--Brother in Christ, Boston Area